Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Obama speech was good. Real problem. Greed. New slogan for USA should be " Believe in America, your home ". I worked at Anheuser-Busch for 28 years and loved the majority of my time there. I knew when it was time for me to leave, it was prior to INBEV buying them. I wanted to pursue other dreams. I have had fun trying, sometimes successful, other times not. But I am trying. Biggest problem with our economy is foreign companies purchasing our companies that have been employing U.S. citizens for decades and longer. And when they do, they strip all costs to drive the stock price. No one will be left at the old headquarters at AB. It is a crime to let this happen, but it does because shareholders approve it to receive a stock higher price, one that otherwise would not be attained for years. Short term gain for them, long term loss for cities and families that lose their income. Shouldn't someone have an answer to avoid this great country from losing all of it's manufacturing companies ? What happened to the innovation that made us great?